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Lydia Michelle Boyd entered the world at 2:39 PM MST on July 20, 2006, weighing in at 6 pounds 13 ounces and 19.5 inches long. Both mom and baby are doing well. Michelle was able to deliver naturally; however Lydia's heart rate was dropping with every push, so the doctor decided to speed things up a bit. Lydia's eyes are big and were wide open when she came out. Dad was allowed to cut the cord. As you can see, she has lots of dark hair like her mommy and daddy. Lydia's oxygen saturation was monitored for about 2 hours because her color was a little low, but she was fine and well enough to be brought back to her mom. So far she is a good nurser! Thanks to everybody especially our family for your continued prayers and support. We (all three of us!) love you.

In related news, Lydia's cousin Janie was also born on July 20, but in Japan. Here are some oddities because of the international date line: We received the news that Janie was born on July 19, and it was already July 21 in Japan when Lydia was born! So, were they born the same day or two days apart? You can see picture of Janie here: or here:

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Welcome Lydia!

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